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张  扬

发布时间:2018-12-17  |  作者:   |  查看次数:[]

姓  名:张

系  别:机械系




科研方面,先后主持和参与完成国家及省部级项目多项。以第一作者及通讯作者在Journal of Colloid and Interface Science》《Ceramics International》、《Case Studies in Thermal Engineering》、《Powder Technology等期刊发表学术科研论文多篇其中SCI收录10以第一设计人及参与获得发明专利和实用新型专利10余项。



1.Zhang,Yang,Sun,BuGong,Zheng,XiaoBao,Singh,PradeepKumar,Ayed,Hamdi,Mouldi,Abir,Mohamed,Abdullah,Mehrez,Sadok. Investigation on effect of connection angle of "L" shaped fin on charging and discharging process of PCM in vertical enclosure[J]. CASE STUDIES IN THERMAL ENGINEERING,2022,33.

2.Zhang Yang; Dai Fei; Abir Mouldi; Belgacem Bouallegue; Majid Niaz Akhtar; Tunable microwave absorption features in bi-layer absorber based on mesoporous CuS micro-particle with 3D hierarchical structure and nanosphere like NiCo2O4[J], Ceramics International, 2021, 48: 9146-9156.

3.Zhang Yang*; Mostafa Pirmoradian; Mostafa Pirmoradian; Roozbeh Sabetvand ; Molecular dynamics study of the mechanical properties of reinforced silicon structure with iron nanoparticles[J], Computational Materials Science, 2021, 199: 1-7.

4.Zhang Yang; Liu Kenan; Zhao Wuyun; Zhang Wei; Dai Fei ; Stability Analysis for Milling Process with Variable Pitch and Variable Helix Tools by High-Order Full-Discretization Methods[J], Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020, 2020: 1-14.

5.Liu Kenan; Zhang Yang*; Dai Fei; Sun Wei; Improved heat transfer of the engine oil by changing it to hybrid nanofluid: Adding hybrid nano-powders[J], Powder Technology, 2021, 383: 56-64.(通讯)

6.Liu KeNan; Zhang Yang*; Gao XiaoYang, et al. Improved semi-discretization method based on predictor-corrector scheme for milling stability analysis[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2021:1-13.(通讯)

7.Dai Fei; Song Xuefeng; Zhao Wuyun; Sun Bugong; Shi Ruijie; Zhang Yang; Numerical simulation and analysis of mechanized suppression process of seedbed with whole plastic film mulching on double ridges[J]. Int J Agric & Biol Eng, 2021, 14(1): 142-150.

8.Dai Fei; Guo Wenjuan; Song Xuefeng; Zhang Yang; Shi Ruijie; Wang Feng; Zhao Wuyun; Optimization of mechanized soil covering path based on the agronomic mode of full-film double-ditch with double-width filming[J].Int J Agric & Biol Eng, 2022, 15(1): 139-146.








1.甘肃省教育厅,青年博士基金,西北旱区农田耕作触土部件磨损机理与控制策略研究 2022-072023-06;


3.甘肃省科技厅, 省青年科技基金,基于GISSMO失效准则中预测热塑性复合材料失效行为的研究, 2021-012022-03,结题;

4.甘肃农业大学,人才引进基金,基于复合材料层合低速冲击损伤研究及有限元分析,2019-012022-12,结题, 主持。


1.国家自然科学基金委员会,地区科学基金项目,52165028,双曲柄多杆式马铃薯膜上打穴播种装置成穴机理及基于机器视觉的跨越式对穴覆土作业方法研究,2022-01-01 2025-12-31;

2.国家自然科学基金委员会, 地区科学基金项目,52065005,全膜双垄沟机械化切膜起茬、膜杂分离过程解析及其残膜高效回收方法,2021-01-012024-12-31;

3.甘肃省科技厅,甘肃省杰出青年基金,20JR10RA560,甘肃省丘陵山地区全膜双垄沟机械化残膜高效回收机理及捡拾分离机构优化, 2021-01至今。

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